walking down a sidewalk

The Superfood of Movement

There are a lot of ways the human body can move. But there is one movement that definitely takes the cake as our principle movement. That would have to be walking. It works the body in many important ways, especially when the body is loaded properly.Continue reading

Your Outlook Affects Your Results

Good food and lots of quality movement are both major keys to a healthy lifestyle. But what can be even more important is actually a positive mental outlook. Stress is such a major killer, that all the good food and movement really can’t undo the damage caused by a poor mental outlook.Continue reading

My First Rolfing Session

I spend a lot of time working on myself to combat the muscle tension created through my day job. I’ve gotten pretty good at it over the years, but it pretty much just keeps my head above water. I just don’t have enough time to focus and really fix the problems. I finally went to see someone who did. This morning I had my first Rolfing session ever.Continue reading